寻找经销商 bbin电竞游戏 传输 eMobility 动力系统 连接 保证 部分 & bbin捕鱼游戏平台
寻找经销商 宣传册及影片


其他 08/28/2023
022763 DDC可持续发展博客



Our unwavering commitment to sustainability starts right on our factory floor, prioritizing eco-friendly practices to minimize our environmental impact. From optimizing energy efficiency to responsible waste management, we continuously strive to maintain the highest st和ard of sustainability throughout our operations.

Holding our practices to the highest st和ard means monitoring our goals to ensure we are consistently making meaningful progress.

如前所述, we take pride in being certified as a platinum member of the US Department of Superior Energy Performance Program. This recognition acknowledges our efforts to save money 和 reduce carbon emissions through strategic energy management (SEM) systems, 基于ISO 50001全球标准.

To achieve this, we took initiatives like swapping out 2.3 million square feet of lighting in our facility with energy-efficient LED lightbulbs, 减少设施用水, 和 implementing a waste reclamation process that helps us to recycle or repurpose more than 23,每年生产1000吨材料. Overall, 98% of the waste we produce is recycled in some way.

We are also actively working to replace our current steam boilers on-site which are used for engine testing 和 comfort heating, 较小的, 到2026年低压热水系统. This swap will not only make our operations more strategic, 还能显著降低我们的能源消耗.

最重要的是, we are confidently progressing towards achieving our targets of using fully renewable energy for all electric needs by 2025, 以及到2030年实现碳中和.

Investing in sustainable practices not only helps us to help the planet, but also allows you to make a meaningful choice in supporting a greener, cleaner future as we transition to the next phase of transportation solutions together.

创新的绿色产品、bbin捕鱼游戏平台 & 支持

我们的最佳 动力系统组件bbin电竞游戏, 传输 - have a significant influence on the overall performance of trucks, impacting fuel efficiency 和 total cost of ownership in the long run.

当我们接近可持续发展时, not only do we think about our social 和 environmental responsibilities, 还有我们的客户. We take pride in offering cutting-edge technologies 和 support that improves the total cost of ownership. By ensuring our vehicles perform at their peak 和 precisely meet your requirements, we enable you to improve your bottom line 和 cater to the needs of your business.

我们的bbin捕鱼游戏平台,比如 bbin电竞游戏连接, play a crucial role by providing essential vehicle information. Detroit bbin电竞游戏 are specifically designed to meet on-board diagnostic (OBD) compliance, ensuring they not only meet regulatory st和ards for certification, but also consistently operate efficiently within those parameters, 优化下游排放.

We underst和 the significance of this data 和 how it’s delivered to you. 有虚拟bbin捕鱼游戏平台员等功能, fault code information is transmitted at a detailed level, empowering fleet operators to make informed decisions about maintenance 和 address issues promptly. This technology guarantees the long-term health of the vehicles 和 also facilitates smarter business decisions.

Our sustainability commitment extends beyond the product. We act as a partner to you to ensure you derive value from our solutions. 无论是优化燃油经济性, 进行规格审查, or providing a forward-thinking roadmap for fleet efficiency through down speeding. 在bbin电竞游戏, our goal is to assist you in achieving your fuel economy goals while maintaining optimal performance.

Every customer's needs are unique, which is why we offer personalized support. This may involve fine-tuning electronic parameters to align with your specific objectives, enabling you to strike a balance between fuel economy 和 operational effectiveness.


Partnering with us means more than just purchasing 动力系统组件 – it means gaining a strategic ally in your sustainability efforts. Our products are designed not only for exceptional performance but also for improved fuel efficiency, further reducing your ecological impact 和 operating costs.

Ultimately, we are able to do so by investing in our customers. By working with you to underst和 what products 和 technologies work best for your operations, 它使我们能够开发出更好的产品.

Detroit Field Sales Engineers are unique as they offer the opportunity to have a one-on-one relationship with an expert who can consult with you 和 your needs. Whether it’s quarterly business reviews or tracking fuel economy data over a period of time, this relationship can help fleets gain visibility into the best possible ways to achieve their sustainability goals.

This is a multipurpose relationship that helps us at Detroit generate a voice of customer feedback that we can then translate back into our future products 和 technology to make them even better over time.


We take pride in being part of your journey toward a sustainable future. 你的成功就是我们的成功, 和 that's why we invest in continuous development to make our products, bbin捕鱼游戏平台和支持更加尖端. 在你努力实现可持续发展目标的过程中, 你可以指望我们站在你这边, providing the support 和 solutions you need to help grow your business.
